
1960 born in Gütersloh, Germany
1968 learns to play accordion
1970 getting an excellent musical education while attending local college for 9 years
1979 starting work as editor for the local newspaper
2012 starting to create music on an iPad
2013 first album EGOSOUND released as CD
2014 2nd album URLAUB
2016 3rd album BRICOLAGE with a spoken contribution by Jean Michel Jarre
2017 4th album CHILLDESCHE ranked no. 15 in the selection of best electronic albums in Germany
2018 5th album DOUBLE CLIMAX ranked no. 6 in the selection of best electronic albums in Germany
2019 Download project OVER THE MOON and concerts for the Apollo 11 debut in several places around Europe.

Releases on Clan Analogue Recordings
CA053: Mobile Strategies | Various Artists