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CA042R: Actual Russian Brides | Wife Beats

Wife Beats is Actual Russian Brides’ second solo release.

If 2010 album Miss Sled on Berlin’s Brigade was the the only thing you’d want playing in your opium den, Wife Beats ups the tempo.

Actual Russian Brides have a diverse and quixotic creative output, layering dense lyrical excursions onto electronica extracted from old and new synthesizers and drum machines that keep their Sydney studio warm at night. Wife Beats is the duo at their most ironic and darkly witty: highly danceable tracks expertly fused with seductive storytelling.

Colonel Panic, an homage to the cold-war Connery/Bond era, heads up the 6 track EP with its deeply felt groove. Exxxy has become something of an anthem for fans of the band; from its recognisable opener, it is rousing electronic quirk-pop. Nu-rave Balloons sees vocalist Aitelya Bebietsova (aka Elle Knox) experiment with helium and producer Baby Swindle (aka Lindsay Webb) grind that crank on the street organ. Hot Yoga is the perfect workout track, if working out means wiggling your arse. [Actual Russian Brides have never been to a gym and aren’t sure what that entails.] Gathering Dust dusts off the MPC with a downtempo piano loop. Anywhere pairs a late summer hick beatdown with hip-poetry from some future-nostalgic road movie.

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With the recent Australian premiere of their live electro-cabraret Bild-Lilli (nominated for a Victorian Green Room Award) and tracks on compilations by New Weird Australia and Clan Analogue, Actual Russian Brides are as excited as actual Russian brides tend to get. You can hear more of Actual Russian Brides at As Actual Russian Brides like to say: “Get us while we are still cheap!”

Wife Beats is one of three new EPs released by Clan Analogue. Also check out the new releases from Aeriae and Tiatto.

“curiously exotic melodic touches that play against the harsh, almost industrial-sounding snares, the entire fusion coming across like Laibach’s take on space lounge music.” Cyclic Defrost


1. Colonel Panic
2. Exxxy
3. Balloons
4. Hot Yoga
5. Gathering Dust
6. Anywhere

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